Leonardo DiCaprio’s Heartwarming Gesture: Lavish Beverly Hills Shopping Spree for Niece Normandie, a Decade After Turbulent Past

Over Memorial Day weekend, Leonardo DiCaprio took his 16-year-old niece Normandie Farrar on an opulent shopping trip in Beverly Hills.

Taking his niece to many high-end stores, including Tiffany & Co. and Prada, the 49-year-old Oscar winner was spotted indulging her while out with his father, George DiCaprio, and stepmother, Peggy Farrar.

Leonardo DiCaprio treated his niece Normandie, 16, to a lavish shopping spree in Beverly Hills over the weekend

The adolescent, who was infamously ‘abducted’ by her father when she was six years old, looked content as she strolled down the sidewalk with her family while carrying two sizable shopping bags.

Wearing a black puffer jacket, grey t-shirt, blue face mask, and a black Dodgers baseball cap, DiCaprio made an effort to blend in throughout the expedition.

The foursome apparently had some quality time together at South Beverly Grill after engaging in some retail therapy.

The family’s sighting occurs two months after he and his loved ones dined at Cipriani in Beverly Hills on a rare occasion.

Leo’s older stepbrother Adam Farrar and Normandie’s parents Charity Moore weren’t there for either outing.

While out with his father, George DiCaprio, and stepmother, Peggy Farrar, the 49-year-old Oscar winner was seen spoiling his niece as he took her to various upscale boutiques as well as Tiffany & Co. and Prada

Over the years, Charity and Adam have experienced their fair share of high-profile legal issues, such as an arrest in 2016 for suspected small-time steаling.

In January 2014, the ‘kidnapping’ controversy started when Adam and Charity were taken into separate custody for Ԁrug offenses.

Because Normanie was a dependent of the court in California due to her parents’ criminal history and was not authorized to be brought out of state, Adam was captured in Texas, where he had unlаwfully moved with his daughter.

Normanie was only six years old at the time.

After being found in Texas on January 30, Normandie was flown back to California and given to her grandfather, George DiCaprio, who happens to be Leo’s father.

The teenager appeared happy as she walked down the sidewalk, alongside her family, with two large shopping bags on her shoulder

Adam was detained in the meanwhile, and the Los Angeles Police Department charged him with “concealing” his daughter in a different state.

“I am happy to confirm that this child has in fact been found,” a LA County Department of Children and Family Service spokeswoman told RadarOnline at the time. The news is fantastic. I honestly can’t sаy anything more after that.

Leonardo and his stepbrother, Adam Farrar, were once close and were frequently spotted together at Los Angeles Lakers games before their separation.

The couple “do not get along” and “have had zero contact in recent years,” according to sources who spoke with RadarOnline in 2014.

DiCaprio attempted to keep a low profile during the outing as he sported a black Dodgers baseball cap, blue face mask, black puffer jacket and a grey t-shirt

It’s common knowledge that DiCaprio was motivated to pursue acting after witnessing his stepbrother succeed in the 1980s in TV, film, and commercials.

The science fiction series Battlestar Galactica and the ABC comedy-drаmа Eight is Enough are Farrar’s most well-known credits.

But things turned out rather differently for the brothers, who grew up in Los Angeles together after DiCaprio’s mother, Peggy, married Farrar’s father, cartoonist George DiCaprio, when he was only one, as Farrar’s career came to a standstill and DiCaprio’s took off in the late 1990s.

Farrar has been in and out of court since 2010 due to allegations of harassment, domestic abuse, possession of dangerous narcоtics, and driving without a license.

Farrar was detained in 2000 while DiCaprio was enjoying the triumph of his hugely successful picture Titanic. Farrar was accused of making terroristic threats and trying to kιll his former girlfriend.

According to New York Daily News, Peggy DiCaprio at the time remarked of her troublesome stepson, “Adam is one of the most nonviolent people I know.”

After being detained in March 2000, Farrar was freed 48 hours later, and the charges were finally withdrawn.

According to People Magazine, the troubled actor got into legal issues two years prior after he was accused of beating a photographer who was interested in his famous brother. That case never saw charges brought.