Cristiano Ronaldo Reveals the Real Reason Why He Still Lives With His Mom

Even if he’s a millionaire, Cristiano Ronaldo still lives at home with his mom, a reporter once asked. Although it is reasonable to think that Ronaldo would have sought out more lavish housing by now, his response is so moving that it can make you cry.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s family lived in poverty and faced financial difficulties.


Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro is Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother, and he loves and admires her deeply. He will never forget the significance of their bond, having seen personally the selflessness and commitment mother displayed in rearing him.

Maria Aveiro worked very hard to support her family on her own. She worked long hours and frequently went hungry to make sure Ronaldo never had a need. Ronaldo never forgets his mother’s selfless sacrifices and knows he couldn’t have gotten this far without her unwavering love, encouragement, and perseverance.

For Ronaldo, his mother is not just a parent, but a hero and a role model.

“My mother reared me up by sacrificing her life for me,” Ronaldo continued, continuing to justify his decision. Wanting to feed me, she went to bed ravenous. Unfortunately, we were short on funds. She cleaned houses all day and night so I could play soccer, and she worked seven days a week.



Ronaldo is very grateful to his mom for all she has done for him and considers her an idol. In response to questions on their relationship, he said that she is the reason he has succeeded in life. Nothing he can give her will ever stop him from continuing to do so.’You didn’t want me to be born,’ Ronaldo would tease me and remark from time to time. As a result, you can see that I’m here to assist everyone,” his mother explained.

And his appreciation for his mother goes on for miles.

Ronaldo is extremely thankful to his mother for all she has accomplished for himself and thinks of her as a symbol. Because of inquiries on their relationship, he said that she is the explanation he has prevailed throughout everyday life. Nothing he can give her will at any point prevent him from proceeding to do so.’You didn’t maintain that I should be conceived,’ Ronaldo would prod me and comment occasionally. Thus, you can see that I’m here to help everybody,” his mom made sense of.

Ronaldo is currently the most paid soccer player on the planet while addressing Al-Nassr. He is likewise an overall legend. He owes his prosperity to his mom’s relentless confidence in him, as well with respect to his own diligent effort and dedication. Ronaldo is keenly conscious about the obligation he owes to his mom, who did her absolute best to guarantee that he might follow his interests. Her friendship and resolute help meаn the world to him, and he will be always grateful.