Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Make Silent $400,000 Donation to New York’s Most Affected Hospitals

Quietly Donating $400,000 to New York’s Hardest-Hit Hospitals: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds

Beyond their well-publicized $1 million donation to Feeding America and Food Banks Canada, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds continue to show their support for those enduring the coɾonavirus σutbɾeak. This evening, according to an E! article, the couple gave $400,000 to four hospitals in New York. As of right now, New York leads the nation in cσɾonavirus cases. It’s also the residence of Lively and Reynolds, who have a home in Bedford, north of the city, and an apartment in New York City.

According to E!, the pair personally gave $100,000 to each of the four hospitals that were most severely affected: Elmhurst, NYU Hospital, Mount Sinai, and Northern Westchester. According to the media, “the couple wants to continue encouraging people around the country to help their communities, local hospitals, and healthcare workers during this time.”

When Lively and Reynolds revealed their first $1 million gift two weeks ago, they urged their fans to support cσronavirus relief organizations.

In her Instagram post, Lively said, “Cσvid-19 has brutally impacted older adults and low income families.” “Ryan and I will donate $1 million to @foodbankscanada and @feedingamerica. These organizations need our assistance, if you can.”

In addition to emphasizing the value of digitally connecting during this period of quarantine, she said, “Though we must be distancing ourselves to protect those who don’t have the opportunity to self quarantine, we can stay connected.” “Keep in mind the solitary and alone. Make a video, use FaceTime or Skype. Recall the love that is capable of overcoming all. Communities are rising to the occasion, preparing lunches for kids and shopping for the elderly. We can all do something for one another, even if that’s simply remaining home. ❤️”

She used the chance to lighten the mood and give Reynolds a message, saying, “Sending so much love.” Would someone kindly inform Ryan that there is no such thing as “emotional distancing” from his mother-in-law? 😏 Nothing will be able to save him.