Gal Gadot attributes her success to her husband, Jaron Varsano, stating that she would not have achieved her current position without his support

The ‘Wonder Woman’ actress revealed in a new interview that her husband “was the one to give me the courage” to pursue acting

Gal Gadot attributes her current status to her marriage to Jaron Varsano.

The 38-year-old Wonder Woman actress stated in a Thursday interview with Flaunt magazine that her 48-year-old spouse Varsano “was the one to give me the courage to do it” when it came to acting.

Varsano knew Gadot long before she became well-known. He and his wife, Pilot Wave, co-produced the actress’s most recent Netflix film, Heart of Stone. They got married in 2008 and have three daughters together.

Dancer Gadot said to Flaunt, “He was the one to give me the courage to do it, to travel with me.” “I’m the root, the tree to which the kite is attached, and he’s the dreamer, the kite that will reach the sky.” 

Gal Gadot says that while working on “Heart of Stone,” she and her husband “put egos aside” (Exclusive)

Without him, “I would never be where I am today,” she continued. When success finally arrived, my parents had no idea it would be this good. They took some time, but they are now my biggest supporters and my number one fans.

The actress talked candidly about being a working mother of three kids. She and Varsano have daughters Alma, 11, Maya, 6, and Daniella, 2.

She remarked, “Having three kids is messy and chaotic in the best way possible. You want to be at home if you’re at work.” You then start to worry that you’re not working enough when you’re with the kids at home. It’s a vicious cycle sometimes, but you have to suppress those emotions, she said.

Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan, the stars of “Heart of Stone,” bonded over being “girl parents” (Exclusive)

“Recognizing that I am not a perfectionist helps me.” Gadot told the newspaper, “I told myself that I’m being the best mother I can be and that I can only do my best.” “On the other hand, it benefits them too because they see a mother who is happier and involved in her life, and you’re modeling that for them as well, as long as I’m fulfilling myself and keeping up with what I love and not just giving up on it.” 

Gadot discussed working with Varsano on Heart of Stone in an August issue of PEOPLE. She had previously spoken with PEOPLE in June, before the current actors’ strike began, and she stated that “putting the egos aside” is the key to a successful working relationship with her spouse.

“Our main issue is that we have different points of view, and it’s acceptable if we don’t agree,” she remarked. “Once we decided to disagree, it kind of took away all the tension.” ‘Special’ Birthday celebration with husband Jaron Varsano: ‘Feeling So Grateful’ for Gal Gadot

The best thing about working together, she added, is that “he’s so much better in the areas that I’m not strong in.” She also complimented her spouse. Who better to look out for my interests than my partner, in addition?

The actress, who plays an intelligence agent in the film, also revealed to PEOPLE that she and Jamie Dornan, her co-star in Heart of Stone, connected via their shared experience as “girl parents.” Along with his wife Amelia Warner, 41, Dornan, 41, has three daughters: Dulcie, 9; Elva, 7; and Alberta, 4.

The performers had never met before filming the spy thriller, yet their common ground quickly led to a friendship. The two “kind of hit it right from the get-go,” according to Gadot.